Long Live Sitcoms

Huzzah! I watched 2 new sitcoms that premiered last week and am happy to report that neither sucked. Sitcom, a German word meaning to find humor at the expense of others, has become a neglected format on mainstream television. With very few shows trying to recreate the glory days of “All in the Family” and “Fish,” television has become a repository for cop dramas, law dramas, cop and law dramas, medical emergency dramas and really cool dance shows.

FotoFlexer_MchaleSchwartzmanWell, “Community” and “Bored to Death” are about to change all that. “Community” has a weak premise; a group of mismatched and ethnically diverse community college students form a study group, ostensibly so that star Joel McHale can woo a blonde. It’s full of standard sitcom stuff: sexual tension, ethnic stereotypes, age discrimination and “life lessons.” However, it works because McHale uses his inner Bill Murray to full effect. He’s a smarmy, flip smart-ass coasting through life but you kind of root for him. It also has the meta habit of constantly referencing itself as a television show. 2 episodes in and I think it will survive and replace the not-so-funny “Parks and Recreation” as Thursday must-see-tv.

Meanwhile, over on HBO comes “Bored to Death,” a Jason Schwartzman sitcom that seems to not emphasize the com part of it. Schwartzman plays his usual put-upon schlub kidult who can’t make relationships work, can’t focus because of drugs and alcohol and seems to live in a fantasy world. His best friend, played by the awkwardly hilarious and ubiquitous Zach Gallifinakis doesn’t provide many laughs either, but the 2 actors work well together. This week’s episode co-stars Kristen Wiig, so maybe the laughs will come. Still, as far as quirky television shows go, it’s worth seeing.

News flash: I had lunch with with Jake Gyllenhal today. Well, I had coffee and a croissant and Jake had lunch. Looked like a grilled chicken salad. Not really sure since we weren’t sitting at the same table. However, we were in the same Whole Foods, even though we both should be honoring a boycott. Gyllenhal: I wish I could quit him!

Cowboy Mouth Meets Injun Ear

FotoFlexer_Cowboy MouthHere is a photo of me and Fred LeBlanc of the band Cowboy Mouth, New Orleans’ version of the BareNaked Ladies. Ray Naggin’s a big fan. So are Mr. and Mrs. Etouffe. I’m starting to notice that when Etouffe takes my picture I look like Powers Booth from that Jim Jones movie. Powers, in addition to having an awesome name, has the world’s best comb-over. He probably even has a coffee mug proclaiming just such an accomplishment.

Now I don’t know the back story on Cowboy Mouth. They could be the house band at Fox and Fiends, for all I know. I told ole Fred that I saw them once opening for BNL, but I didn’t. I saw the Beautiful South open; my sisters saw Cowboy M. Anyway, Fred gave me a big, southern man-style hug anyway. Click, that’s a wrap.

But it isn’t, because I’m starting to think Fred and I are related. I have a maternal great-grandfather (deceased) named Steve LeBlanc. Codename: Action Pants, because he liked to tuck in his daughters and granddaughters, so the legend goes. This side of the family also claims that we are descendants of John Brown the Abolitionist. Pretty cool, I know. We may also be Slovak Jews; jury is still out.

Anyway, notice the huge craniums that Fred and I share. Literally. We look co-joined. Ling and Ming. Plus, we both sing and play in bands. Though, mine (The Slovak Jews) is fictional, yet melodic. Also, we’re both short and portly. Shportly, if you will. The proof, as they say on the cop dramas, is in the photo.

Speaking of dramas, fedoras off to “Mad Men” for winning yet another best TV Drama Emily Award. I’m almost caught up watching back episodes. Hope to find out who killed Laura Palmer soon.

It Worked For Andy Samberg

Who am I to pick on a man with a dream? Baimurat Allaberiyev, a Simple Jack shepherd from Tajikistan, left his day job in a warehouse to pursue his dream of singing spot-on impersonations of Bollywood songs. Yes, male and female parts. No, no in the song. I don’t think he’s a tranny. Anyway, the NY Times did a profile on him as a YouTube sensation, but then clarified that YouTube sensations usually return to herding sheep.

So check out the video. He reminds me a little bit of Charlie Bronson, especially when he hits those high notes.

Van Jones: The Argula Avenger

FotoFlexer_Van JonesVan Jones recently resigned his post at the White House, where he served as the Green Jobs Czar (or Tsar, if you’re picky) because of pressure from Fux Opinions Gun Bleck. Bleck and his coterie of clotpolls lit up the White House circuit board to protest that not only was Jones a “truther” but that he also had the temerity to call Republicans “assholes” at a public meeting. Fired? Jones should have been promoted and given Monica Lewinsky as an assistant.

Wednesday night President Obama addressed Congress to discuss his healthcare reform initiative and was called a liar by South Carolina weasel Joe Wilson. A Republican member of congress calls the president a liar on national television and Jones is fired for calling them assholes? Joe Wilson is the text book definition of an asshole. Wilson’s an asshole not just because he’s a Republican from South Carolina, but because he challenged the president’s assertion that none of the healthcare reform bills contained free treatment for illegal immigrants. Experts who have read all of the bills agree with President Obama. Swish Limbaugh and Gun Bleck broadcast that under Obamacare all illegals will receive free healthcare. If you’re Joe Wilson who are you going to believe? Your fellow assholes, of course.

And who exactly is Van Jones? He wrote the definitive book on “green jobs”: The Green Collar Economy. He also helped to pass America’s first “green job training” legislation: the Green Jobs Act, which George W. Bush signed into law as a part of the 2007 Energy Bill. He is the co-founder of a number of successful non-profit organizations, including the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and Green For All.

At a public meeting in February of this year, Van was asked how was it that the Republican-lead congresses under Bush were able to pass so much legislation without having the clear majorities that the Democrats now enjoy. Van’s response: “They’re assholes.” Big laughs of the uncomfortable variety ensued. Van then went on to say that while Obama is not an asshole, he, Van Jones, can be one. “I can be an asshole,” thus spake Van Jones. Maybe that’s why he got fired. He identified himself with the Star Dancer, Tom DeLay.

What really got Van in trouble, though, was that he once signed a petition asking for a full investigation of the what the Bush Administration knew about what was to become 9/11 prior to it happening. For that he was labeled a “truther.” Imagine that! A Yale-educated attorney wanting to know what intelligence may have passed through the White House before the deadliest terrorist attack ever to occur on our soil happened.

To the pinheads at Fux, wanting to know details, wanting to analyze documents clearly means undermining the president. If George Bush wanted to tell us that midnight is morning then by God who are we to question his judgement. If Sarah Palin wants to contend that she can see Russia from Juneau without use of the Hubble telescope then it must be true. But if Barack Obama tells us that free healthcare for illegals is not on the table, well, he’s just being a liar.

So is this a “teachable moment?” Absolutely, you are now free to call anyone you know who disagrees with President Obama an asshole. I’m looking at you, Kurt Schilling.

Thanks for Nothing, History Channel

Ever see or read Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible?” Don’t worry, neither has Gun Bleck, but here’s the thing – most people who have attended public high school in the U.S.S. (see video below) have. So why the healthcare reform outrage? Public hysteria, I ‘spose.

Listen, we all have “conservative” friends, but if they behaved like the people in this aforementioned video we’d probably think twice before inviting them over for the high holidays. Or as I call them – the get high holidays.

Anyway, watch the video and pay close attention to the guy who looks like Glenn Frey, the woman from Hungary/Denmark and, of course, the guy with the U.S.S. Constitution. Please keep in mind that these people know they are the “smart ones.” I can only imagine what our commie, muslim President from Kenya thinks.